Thursday, August 24, 2017

Busted Out

After a week and a half in the hospital we were released, but without much more information.  Unable to be completely diagnosed Duncan at least has a treatment plan to help suppress the inflammation in his brain, spine and eyes.  Although his eye sight has improved greatly it is still blurry and not quite back to normal.  He has a follow up MRI to see how he is progressing, until that time we wait. 

Blessed to have many, many visitors, bringing treats, playing and chatting with us.

Duncan learned a few magic tricks from a friend and began showing every patient, nurse and doctor who would watch.  He was quickly signed up for a live spot on the hospital tv station.  Duncan lucked out and had his visiting friend as his assistant.

Can you see them on the lobby tv?

Luckily for us we can wait in Maryland with friends!!!
Duncan had a "hello" party at Café Rio.

I really enjoyed going to the Washington D.C. Temple, it has been a little too long since the last time.

Drums in the park.  A good friend took us down to D.C. to listen to the drummers tap out a beat or two or twenty.  Dancers, yogaers, tight rope walkers, hula hoopers, and couples balancing each other did their things to the lively beat. 

Wow!  Amazing being able to witness the solar eclipse.  Above is my picture during the 80% and below is a friend's picture during the total eclipse.

  Again thank you to all of you who are praying and sending well wishes our way.  We have been very blessed to have help from many of you!  Heavenly Father is hearing your prayers and greatly blesses us.  I have heard more than one comment on the "timing" of things.  For example, a phone call coming moments before leaving to run errands.  In moments of need the right person comes into contact at the same time etc.  Certainly Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are aware of our needs!!!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Holding Pattern

Duncan is in great spirits and isn't feeling any pain.  To look at him you have to wonder if he is just faking this whole thing, until you look at his MRI scan filled with white spots showing the inflammation.  Never fear there is good news, after a few days of treatment his eyesight has improved greatly!!  We are hopeful it will continue to a full recovery.

Now we wait.  Wait for labs, wait for decisions on the next treatment or test. Multiple paths lay ahead of us, they are similar but due to us living far away without the ability to return for follow ups the question then becomes, which order do the paths take.  Should this test come before this treatment?  Should we wait another week before the next test?  If we lived nearby we would go home to return for the next item and let time help us tell the right path.  Without that time should everything be crunched in without complete answers?  Also the ability for follow up scans and exams might also sway what takes place now. 

So for now we wait until the teams of doctors agree on the next step, which at this point are lab results.

Sunday they gave us a pass to leave the hospital so we headed over to church.  Beautiful buildings lined our walk! The architecture is amazing!  I love how much detail went into the outside of the buildings.

Nothing like being reminded of home!

I found this painting to be incredible.  It is actually 3D in parts, particularly the goggles.

Duncan having fun with the various hospital activities.  First time playing bingo he won this T-shirt.

Thank you to everyone who fasted this last Sunday for Duncan.  I think there was an army of fasters.  Heavenly Father has continuously blessed us, sending us comfort, help and many many angels.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

The Long and Short of it . . .

Here we go again folks.  Duncan is back in the hospital this time in the US.  Here is what we know at this point.  When Duncan had the virus his antibodies went on overkill.  Now with more than his immune system knows what to do with they began attacking his brain and optic nerve.  Duncan has inflammation in his brain and spine along with autoimmune optic neuritis, which has caused loss of eyesight in his left eye.  At this point he is legally blind in that eye.  Treatment has started, no telling how much of his eyesight will return. 

Now the doctors are testing to see if this is a vascular issue.  They are deciding on a course of tests to see just how deep the problem lies.  Once these next set of tests are completed the treatment plan can be determined.  Duncan gets to look forward to at least three months of treatment and possibly longer, like two years longer.  It is safe to say I am hoping for the three month treatment! 

The good news is that we are getting a much clearer picture into what is going on and how it can be treated, for which we are very grateful.  Duncan is in high spirits and has energy he just isn't able to really burn off.

Again we know many of your are coming to our aid through various means.  We are eternally grateful for the many prayers and fasts in his behalf.  As we are close to our old stomping grounds we have the opportunity for visitors, our first arrived today.

See Duncan, see Duncan trying to see.

Not the best picture.  Trust me though, it is a beautiful view and in the very corner is the steeple of the new temple.

Duncan is loving the food!!!!!

Our very first visitors!!!  They drove for hours to spend time with Duncan.  Thank you!!!

It was almost like we hadn't ever moved to China.  Thank you dear friends.