Saturday, June 16, 2018

Duncan's Swimming

Hi this is Duncan.

 In this blog entry, I will be showing you some of my swimming adventures. 

 Here I am getting ready to dive into the pool, to show my cool skills.

 Me diving in beautifuly into the pool either doing a dive or a belly flop.

  Posing for a picture with a little flag of my school in the background.

Being awarded my medal with my friend Amedeo for third place in the relay.

 Getting ready with my cool green cap all the way over in lane #1 for the fast kids for the IM. 
 Practicing for the amazing swim meet in style.

 Sitting and ready for the relay race with my buddies.

Swimming my IM.

Caving In!

Once again we were asked to be professionally photographed.  This time it was as "foreigners" spelunking in a cave close to Beijing.  How could we say no to a free adventure?  We already have our pictures taken.  Unfortunately Guy had finals and Duncan was sick so they missed out on the fun.

Photos below are from the professional photographer.

Drake was a bit interesting to take along, although he had the added benefit of not having to duck often.

We ate lunch in the "big room".  A self heating rice meal, yum!  We experienced the cave for real by turning off all headlamps and quietly sitting to see and listen to cave life.  Our tour guide found a cave worm, very white and very cool!