Life has gotten away from me. . .at least the time to blog has. Although sketchy internet connection has played a major part in my delinquency of not posting sooner.
This post highlights some of our everyday comings and goings, some of which are regular tasks and others a one-time activity. In no particular order. . .
We were blessed to have two pianos for a time. One in tune and one out of tune. The grand piano is one we have had for nine years and loved dearly. Unfortunately Beijing has not been good for the wood. We found a piano studio that will try to restore it well enough to resell. I have to admit it was hard to say goodbye, even with regaining space in my livingroom.
Not sure anything needs to be said about this yummy delight.
Tis the season for goodbyes and hellos. Many families are on their way out, which means quite a few goodbye lunches. Meeting amazing people is inspiring, but learning to adjust to so much movement takes a little getting use to. I am quickly learning how to "jump with both feet in" and give your all no matter how long the duration ends up being.
How cool is this! Lane and I have a high school friend whose family also lives in China!!! They came to see the sites of Beijing and play or rather eat with us a few times. Hopefully we'll be seeing them again and soon.
The annual 5K race the boys run. Originally postponed due to bad air or pollution they finally squeaked it in. The boys did well.
Grahm was able to join a friend for his baseball practice and game. He totally loved it.
Doppelgänger day at school with best friend.
Drake woke up one Sunday morning and came to tell me his tooth hurt. Turns out he somehow banged it on the bed making it extremely loose. He asked me to glue it back, I told him milk was glue and to leave it alone. Monday morning it was still very loose so he just pulled it out. Great.
Mao's personal train.
A couple of Daddy boy field trips while Mom made a quick trip to the States.
Playground Drake visits just about daily.
One day I got a text from Lane asking me if I would like him to bring home some Peking Duck. Since I love Peking Duck I became very excited and told him, "absolutely"! Turns out it was the carcass with about a tablespoon of meat still on it. Talk about disappointment!!
We are now the proud owners of two "new" scooters. We cram three of us on each one and head off to church or the next adventure. We can still hear people we pass saying, "Si ge" which is four. "Yes, we have four boys", I reply.