Now that we have a deacon and a priest, and with the many new policy changes within The Church, we wanted to get a temple trip in. After pricing a few options the family chose Manila, Philippines.
This particular trip was a bit discombobulating. After much research we found an Airbnb somewhat near the temple only to be told on arrival that we were not to disclose we were staying as an Airbnb, as that wasn't allowed. Sure enough there were signs everywhere saying it was prohibited. Kinda hard to hide four blondish boys obviously not locals while using the amenities. Our oldest son was approached, questioned and told he was breaking the rules. We fully expected to be thrown out at any minute.
The apartment was great! We were just bummed we had to be "in hiding". Best part was the mall connected through the parking garage, complete with a food court hosting Wendy's.
View from "our place".
Tall building in the middle is our place.
Duncan's first time doing Baptisms for the Dead. Guy's first time baptizing, his brother Duncan. A special moment for all.
Lane and I split duties watching the littles or going to the temple with the bigs. When it was my turn to go to the baptistry I had the opportunity to witness a youth group at work. I can't tell you how impressed I was. Many of the youth had a task to preform and they did so cheerfully. The reverence the young men had as they preformed their duties humbled me. A testimony to me that indeed God has saved mighty warriors for these days. Even as I type this a sweet spirit is testify of this truth.
The focus of this trip was the temple and there wasn't much to do around that area. Historic downtown was an hour (through traffic) away. We made two trips in. First time we caught a few museums. Second time was Fort Santiago and other historic sites. We also caught a "Lamborghini" for a tour inside the old wall.
Manila Cathedral
Pieta, by Michelangelo, at least a replica. We have seen a number of these including the one in the Vatican. One of our favorite, especially as there are a few different stories of how it came into existence. We made sure to point out to the boys how young Mary looks along with her large legs.
Bamboo bikes.
Gun along the wall.
Our Lamborghinis
These shops use to be Chinatown and are located underneath the wall. Boys and Lane are walking on the wall as I held Drake who fell asleep.
What a bargain!! I don't think we have ever found babies and kids for this cheap before!
Boys ready to get home.