Sunday, February 26, 2017

Temporary Housing

The journey has begun!  We started months ago, planning, sorting, researching, deciding, all the things that needed to happen to make the move to China.  Now we are on the tail end of things.  A few weeks ago fast forward was pushed as we received our visas, the green light to put everything into motion. 

All of our preparation really didn't feel complete when the movers showed up to pack.  Belongings were sorted into four groups: carry on the airplane with us, air shipment (3 to 4 weeks, but really longer), sea shipment (a couple of months), and storage.  Within a day and a half our house was left empty and we were left wondering where everything ended up.  Since then we have discovered that one of the boys (who shall remain nameless) ended up with all the "nice" clothes in storage and all the "crap" coming with us. 😕 When the shipments finally get here it will truly be a surprise to discovered what made it.

Once the movers moved in we moved out. 

Temp housing #1

Temp housing #2
To play it smart Lane booked a hotel near the airport for our last night in the United States.  Our last night was a bit filled with Duncan receiving his Arrow of Light (talk about just in time!) and Amber attending her last Soul to Soul meeting (wipe a tear from her eye!)   

Temp housing #3
Our apartment isn't quite ready for us so here we are in another smaller apartment in the same complex.  One week to one month is the time frame we have been given until our final move.

We made it here!  After all the stress, worry, and excitement we made it!  Packing light with 15 checked in bags (3 of which were boxes), 6 people, 5 carry-ons, 4 back packs, one violin and one stroller.


  1. Congratulations on making it safely to Beijing!! Kudos to each one of you for being such troopers and for making this huge transitions in your lives!
    We miss you and wish you well as you settle into your surroundings and carve out your new routines.
    Much love,

  2. So crazy and exciting! We are so happy for you guys! I'm excited to keep in touch. Thanks for inviting us to the blog.

  3. I'm excited for you guys. Everyone should live outside the US and get amazing adventures at least once. You learn so much.
