Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Time With Mom

If you think mom was able to rest after two of her grandkids left, think again!  Back to school the boys went, which included their various activities.  Mom and I participated when allowed.  Grahm had a football (soccer) game.  He had a couple of headers and one header goal! 

This is his header goal, see the yellow ball heading for the boy in a white shirt?

Hits it square on and into the goal it goes!

Look at how excited he is!!!

Victory dance.

Mom also received her own personal trip to the wall.  It ended up being extremely steeeeeeeeeep.

Lane, Grahm and Drake continued on to the top of this mountain.

That small red dot in the middle, on top of the small part of the wall, is Grahm.

Duncan put Grandma to work making all kinds of goodies.  Reflection cake: multiple ingredients, and many hours later they had a beautiful cake to celebrate Duncan's 12 birthday.

Candy canes

Treating ourselves to pedicures.

Rickshaw ride.  Tour guide was great! Check out the handle bars.  I love the old Chinese bikes.

Bell Tower

Shopping for glasses

While mom was in town, Lane and I took full advantage by going on our own trip.  Hours after we left the boys became sick one by one, infecting my mom.  Not only did she have to take care of them while sick herself, she also tried to keep up their regular activities when they felt better, like Halloween parties.  Guy also was gone for half the time to an away volleyball tournament.

This wonderful lady lightened our world, joined us on adventures, laughed with us, tried everything we threw at her and all with a smile, despite us walking her over 23 miles her first 3 days here.  We love you mom!  Thank you!!

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