Monday, December 17, 2018

Catch Up

Life and responsibilities got ahold of us for a while, so now it is time for a little catch-me-up, or catch-you-up.

Last day of summer for us.  
We headed to where the beach volleyball Olympic event was held and swam the day away.

Drake came home with a watermelon boat.  He still loves it!

First day of school.

Guy finished the summer and started the school year with a acting gig.  One of the times I dropped him off I ran over a hidden crowbar sticking straight up in the air and ripped a beautiful hole in my tire.  Hot and under mosquito attack, I slowly figured out where the hidden tools were and how to get the spare out.  Just as I was jumping onto the lug wrench, a kind gentleman stopped, braved the mosquitos and finished the job for me.  Bless his soul!!!

老二 和 老三, Second and third son tried out lacrosse this year and loved it!  Unfortunately it didn't work with our schedule.

Grahm getting ready for the school's annual 5K.

This year I agreed to be the registrar for our Cub Scout Pack.  Wow, did this job take over my life!  But it has been a blast attending meetings with Grahm.

Our Pack's hike on the Great Wall.

Our apartment complex throws the tenants some pretty nice parties a couple of times a year.  This one is for the Fall Festival or Moon Festival.

Grahm and his besties from school.

Unit on Peking Opera.  I kept waiting for them to sing. . .

Boy Scouts.  
My two oldest came home from this activity with new life plans of becoming a Marine!

We also had two birthdays.  Guy 15 and Duncan 12.

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