Saturday, March 30, 2019

Christmas In March?

I am fully aware it is March and I am just now getting to Christmas.  Never mind the excuses.  In reality we celebrated early as we were going on an adventure!  The morning we flew out we awoke to our Christmas morning.

Yes, they are on electronics.  It was some time before we continued with the unwrapping.

Now off to adventure!

Continue reading as the next 5 or so posts are all about our trip.


Wellington, New Zealand

(hint, they are spelling Welly)

New Zealand has been on everyone's, well, everyone except Lane's list.  He basically promised that if we did Australia and only Australia last time that we could do New Zealand the next chunk of time we had.  Which ended up being Christmas break with three weeks off of school. 

Interestingly enough there were three other families we knew on our flight!

Our connection in Sydney ended up being an overnighter as an electrical storm grounded most flights.  

Our 1st week's cottage.  Christmas celebrated in this way fun, abode.

Small sunroom bursting with seashells and other treasures from the ocean.  This doesn't even come close to doing the collection justice, most is unseen.

All doors displayed fun handles like this. 

Little island in our "front yard".  Lane and the older boys swam to it, not because it was there or they could, but because there was a geocache on the top.  See the three little heads in the water?

Made it!

Duncan didn't have his GoPro with him the first time, so back again swam he to get a  picture, or twenty, from the top.

The boys made a "raft" yes, they floated it in the actual open ocean for a second or two.


Many walks along the water.

Check this painting out!  Side of a building, painted to look like a page in a notebook that has been painted with a harbor scene.  Even the notebook rings are painted.  So cool!  We drove past here many times and each time I was in awe.

Downtown Wellington

Funicular trip on the Wellington Cable Car up to botanical gardens.

Multiple varieties of trees straight from a Dr. Seuss book.

At the top of Mount Victoria

Can you spot the Christensens?

Checked out a few really cool museums.  Te Papa boasted this WWII exhibit done by Weta Studios.  On a scale of 2.4 times human size, this was incredible.  The quality of material was top notch, the reality was awe inspiring.  I realize this picture isn't the greatest, but take a look at the arm closest to us, see that vein?  The hair on the hands and the water look in the eyes really impressed me.  We walked around each of these battle scenes caught forever in Weta Studio style.  

Speaking of Weta Studios, we for sure had to stop and do a tour through their workshop!

This amazing company made all of the "accessories" for "Lord of the Rings", "Hobbit", "Narnia" and many many many more movies.

After the tour we drove around the peninsula and you guessed it, looked for geocaches.  Lane's shot. 

My shot.

Stopped for a cold dip and a romp, oh and lunch.

How cool is this?  When do you ever get to be cautioned to watch for wild penguins?!?!?

Our homemade Christmas tree of collected driftwood, seashells and candy canes, yes of course we bought the candy canes.

We went for a Christmas walk, in a slight drizzle.  Lane and Guy made it to the very tip of the peninsula and found the seal in the background.

Merry Christmas!

Taking Hobbits To Tongariro . . .

Tongariro National Park that is.  Couple of volcanos, looking like Mordor, very much put us in the Hobbit spirit. 

We camped here for a couple of nights and hiked a couple of hikes.  Of course threatening clouds full of rain decided to burst right as we were setting up camp.  Only to leave an hour later after all was nice and wet.

Visitor Center in Whakapapa Village.  You can imagine how much fun we had saying that over and over.  Whak - a - papa!

Watch out for Kiwi!!!!!  Not only is this their national bird, but the natives are also called Kiwi.  The fruit, originally a gift from China, was named in honor of and to sound more appealing for selling.

Tawhai Falls short and shady to get us ready for the next hike. 

Next up, Soda Springs Track.  Sign claims just under 5k and just over an hour.  They didn't account for a Drake, which added another hour just to get there.  What should have been a two and a half hour hike ended up being twice as long.  It was quicker on the way back as we began carrying him.

We found the springs at last!

We hiked in the valley between volcanos.  Clouds covered the tips most of the time, at the very end of our journey, the clouds began to lift.  Although there was steam coming from the volcano it wasn't as thick as the clouds.

A very cool hike, we loved the terrain!

Can you see the old lava flows on the side of the mountains?  Plus all the volcanic rocks, below.

Duncan is sooooo strong!!!

These Hobbit's elven cloaks didn't so such a great job, we spotted them easily!

Break time to throw rocks into a very tiny stream below.

Is this not beautiful!?!