Monday, January 30, 2017

Ni hao

Hello one and all. 

Note; please overlook misspellings, grammatical errors and sentences starting with one thought and ending with another as I try to finger type on an auto spelling kindle while being kicked off the internet or pausing for mommy duty.

We have officially crossed our half way mark.  We still have so much to do!!!!  Guy celebrated his 13th birthday eating a bigger than Costco size pizza.  I brought a cake mix for the occasion and ended up "baking" it in the microwave.  It worked.

For Labor Day weekend we rode a bullet train to Xi an and a slloooow sleeper train back.  Boys loved both.  Some highlights were: Shaolin Temple (birthplace of kung fu), Terracotta Warriors, and older boys riding bikes on the old city wall.  We stayed in a hostel in a room full of bunk beds. 😁

As we made our way to the train station at the end of our trip, a lady (one we probably wouldn't have approached to ask for help) sitting on her scooter began pointing us towards the street behind her.  This "right direction" was a short cut down a road winding through demolished buildings looking like there should be signs saying "turn back now" or " last chance for a safe return".  Sure enough it lead right to the entrance of the train station saving us time to figure everything out.  The timing couldn't have been more perfect.  We talked about how Heavenly Father inspires those around us to help us even for little things.  We now call her " Our Angel Lady".

The boys and I toured through the Canadian International School.  A hole new world of uniforms, ten day schedules, Chinese daily and personal lap tops that have the boys excited for a new adventure.  We have a few more to check out before making our final decision.

We had a good thunder storm last night.  As we are on the top floor in the corner all our outside walls are windows so we had a intense show with the lightening.

I wish I could share all the little moments from seeing the pandas at the zoo to the lady on the subway giving candy to the boys that has made this time rewarding.  I am surprised at how much the boys are enjoying themselves and talk about "when we move here".

In fear of being too long I will end here. 

Terracotta Warriors

Muslim Quarter in Xi'an
Although it is hard to tell it is dusk and lights on all the shops are shinning brightly.  It was fun to walk the streets and see the vendors prepare their wares.  The nougat pullers were the most exciting to watch as they pulled these long ropes of nougat and just as you thought it would touch the ground they flipped the rope into the air, looped it around a pole and pulled it out again.

Chips on a stick anyone?

Amber, Grahm and Drake ventured to the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda while Lane, Guy and Duncan rode bikes around the old Xi'an city walls.  (They rode on top of the city walls, not next to.)

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