Monday, April 3, 2017

General Conference

The Prophet, Apostles and other church leaders from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints speak every six months, it is called General Conference.  This last weekend was the most recent General Conference.  Being here makes it interesting to watch the six sessions.  I was able to watch the Women's Conference last Sunday right after church.  The Sisters (women) went to one home for a yummy lunch then walked to a second home to watch the Conference that had taken place just hours before while we were having our normal church services. 

One speaker mentioned that people were watching all over the world, one sister watching with us yelled out, "That's us!"  It is wonderful that even though I am far from home I am able to participate in what is most dear to me and hear the words of counsel and love from those who lead us.

Can you find me?

 Half of our group as we wait for the rest to arrive.


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