Sunday, November 12, 2017


More back story of our pathway to China.

Years ago Lane and I ended up going to London on a trip.  Although we were dating others at the time, this trip became a bench mark for us.  A few months later we began dating again (as we dated years earlier in High School).  London was a blast, and as the trip drew to a close we talked about the possibility of another trip.  Winner was China!  Of course life, college, marriage, kids, jobs and other trips distracted us.  Fourteen short years later we finally made it! 

I thought some of you might like to know that Guy (the one family member most against us living here) has signed himself up for multiple after school activities, including orchestra, a play, ping pong, kickboxing, volleyball and cross country (not all at the same time).  
For Chinese class he had to do a video of himself giving a tour of our apartment (in Chinese of course!)  It was voted overall best by both the teachers and students.  It may have helped that Drake popped up in the middle and asked, "Guy what are you doing?"  

One last funny story about Guy.  A month back the school had a day honoring itself.  Various activities were planned, and Guy kept me abreast of the preparations.  The day of, he came home to tell me what a waste it had been and how it wasn't fun at all.  Just a week or two ago the school sent a link with photos of the day.  I found a whole series of Guy and his good friend fully participating in cheering on other house members.  They were standing above the crowd with the biggest smiles I have ever seen.  Hmmm.  I had to verify with him again just how much he hated that day.  Every picture of him showed him sporting a smile.  Here is one with him smack dab in the center.

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