Monday, March 5, 2018

Last Stop

Hong Kong
Our final destination.  The day we flew in happened to be our 1 year anniversary of moving to China.  We tried celebrating by walking through a night market in search of a celebratory dinner.  The seafood and smells just didn't sit well with us after having spent the entire day on airplanes.  So McDonald's it was, (some of us would argue that it wasn't much of a step up from the market!)

Saturday morning Lane and Guy headed to the Hong Kong Temple to preform baptisms. The rest of us took our time exploring markets on our way to meet up at the temple.

As we slowly made our way back to our place we enjoyed exploring secret squirrel pathways, geocaching (found one at Bruce Lee's house) and hitting market after market.  

First one up: Bird Market

Feed the birds: worms, grasshoppers and cockroaches, yum!

Second market: Flower Market

Third market:  All shopping!  Block after block of many different markets, but one long street.  I love this picture of the boys checking out the merchandise.  We went a little crazy and got some really good deals.

We thought we were done, but lo and behold we found that one street over there was a Pet Market, detour!

Sunday morning was spent down at the harbor with more. . . you guessed it, geocaching!

We found a pizza place we were excited to try out before going to church.


Church building.  We really enjoyed the sacrament meeting, English speaking Filipino ward.  One of the speakers was unable to make it so we filled the time sharing our favorite hymn and then singing it.  A powerful sweet spirit certainly felt by all.  As Guy said, "Every time someone would share their favorite hymn the spirit just burst inside!"

The year of the Dog, Duncan's year.

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