Monday, July 1, 2019


It is a wonderful thing to have good friends.  These particular friends set up an excursion for a few families to explore Watertown.  Talk about dripping with Chinese charm, yes a bit of a tourist trap, but I have never been so happy to be trapped!

Everywhere we looked another photo op presented itself.  Starting with a short walk through a town, followed by purchasing tickets to enter in another touristy town to get to the cable car for the Great Wall.

Activities lurked around corners, paint your own kite, mask or learn how to play a new game. 

Look at these three little cuties!!

Beautiful carvings and paintings decorated walls.

Cable car ride up to the wall.

Prayers lining the fences.

On top of the world!!! or at least the Great Wall!!!

Even with a rain settling in, these boys didn't waver about jumping in the natural hot spring foot bath.

What's everyone looking at?

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