Sunday, May 21, 2017

Birthday and Baptism

Birthday boy

Family favorite Krow's Nest Pizza (yes it is larger than Costco pizza)

Grahm was baptized this week and became an official member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The baptism ordinance took place in a portable font in a member's backyard area. After being baptized he was confirmed, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.

We are pleased with Grahm's decision and his growth as he took these first steps on the path that leads him back to Heavenly Father.

Hutong Exploration

Spent a Saturday exploring some hutongs (small maze like streets, usually with stores and homes).  Wandered where ever our feet took us.

Started with Nanluogu Hutong

Love the roof tops here!

 Guy gets a bit tired of having his picture taken.

But Grahm doesn't!!!

Look at how cool this roof top is!  Bamboo poles sticking up.

Bell Tower

Drum Tower
One started the day and the other ended the day, can't remember which one did which.

Another favorite, no not McDonalds, the old mixed in with the new.

I could label this post, "the things I love about Beijing".  Here is another love, doors.

Began scouting for Geocaches which lead to this fun park.  Drake couldn't stop hugging this baby statue.  I guess he loves it here too.

A saxophone practice group warmed themselves up at the end of this little maze.   Even with us stalling we lost patience waiting to hear them actually play something.

Another cache found.  Hint, we are pretty much giving away the location for anyone looking for this cache 😏.

Proud Mama

I have to say I am proud of the boys.  They have really embraced the newness of life here.  New habits like taking off our shoes out side the front door, drinking water from a dispenser, making sure to wear the right uniform, air filters, wearing masks on bad air days, sharing keys to not only enter our home but ride the elevator, living in an apartment, an Ayi (aunty) in our home, riding a subway to get to church, after school tutors, at least half an hour daily Chinese study, internet that doesn't always work when needed, squat pots, plus making sure to grab your toilet paper before entering the bathroom, and Guy riding the subway on his own to get to Young Mens activities, have now become a regular thing for us. 

 I realize some of you already experience some of these habits, but for our family it is all new and the boys have done a fabulous job adapting.   Every once in a while I'll hear a comment about needing to move back to the US, but that is rare and I see more smiles than frowns. 

Picture above is from a School Fund Raiser.  Lane and the three oldest ran the 5K.  Little one and I cheered them on.  Our family enjoyed supporting Ben's Run and we're glad to find another run to help support someone in need.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

My Rubiks Cubes

Here in China, the main toy is basically the Rubik's cube. At school, all of the kids are walking around holding one showing each other their own tricks. Then we found a place that sold the Rubik's puzzles and got a few. Now I impress everybody doing the 3x3 and the 4x4. The first second I opened the 4x4, I mixed it up completely. Then I tried putting it back but 2 pieces would always be switched. I did not give up. Finally, I completed the 4x4 Rubik's cube.

This last picture was of me battling my friend in a Rubik's cube competition at school.  I beat him!
By Duncan

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

To Market, To Market. . .

Living near a huge park has its perks.  For instance, recently there was a ten day Book Fair located there and I was able to attend three times.  Yes, I was able to find something to buy each time.  According to the internet: over 600 stalls, 300 publishers and 400,000 books and other items were available for discount prices!!!  Book Heaven! 

True most were in Chinese but that is what I was looking for.  In fact one gentleman tried to guide me to his section of English books and I tried telling him, "I don't want English, I want Chinese".  I am not sure if his confusion was because I didn't want them or due to my Chinese.  😏

My last shopping trip find was a stack of Readers based on the Monkey King theme, both of which I have been keeping my eye open for. Score!  Readers are a great help for us and the Monkey King is a huge classic.  The best part is I was able to get a set of 20 for $5 compared to the $3 per reader, the best I could find up to this point. 

The blue stalls had the biggest discounts!!

My first trip's treasures.  The Four Great Chinese Classics and some readers/books for Drake.  All of our purchased books have pinyin and characters.  One has English as well.

Next is the Fabric Market.  (Heavens opening up with heavenly choir singing.)
Unfortunately they are tearing it down this year.  Luckily many vendors have found a new location for the new market.  Which means we have to shop at one drive a few miles away to finish shopping.  Now a few miles may seem close but that can be an adventure in itself! 

Ribbon store
I thought I showed excellent restraint in my purchases here, but there is always next time.  😜

Of course the one I wanted was on a huge roll in the back.  At first I thought she wasn't going to sell it to me, but then she climbed up over the other bolts, pulled enough up for my meter and cut it without having to take the bolt up.  What a woman!

Yes, I already have projects lined up, now to wait until my sewing machine gets here!