Sunday, May 14, 2017

My Rubiks Cubes

Here in China, the main toy is basically the Rubik's cube. At school, all of the kids are walking around holding one showing each other their own tricks. Then we found a place that sold the Rubik's puzzles and got a few. Now I impress everybody doing the 3x3 and the 4x4. The first second I opened the 4x4, I mixed it up completely. Then I tried putting it back but 2 pieces would always be switched. I did not give up. Finally, I completed the 4x4 Rubik's cube.

This last picture was of me battling my friend in a Rubik's cube competition at school.  I beat him!
By Duncan


  1. Awesome job! Rubik's cube was a fun toy when I was a kid too.

  2. Wow! Congratulations!! I'm so impressed!
