Sunday, May 21, 2017

Hutong Exploration

Spent a Saturday exploring some hutongs (small maze like streets, usually with stores and homes).  Wandered where ever our feet took us.

Started with Nanluogu Hutong

Love the roof tops here!

 Guy gets a bit tired of having his picture taken.

But Grahm doesn't!!!

Look at how cool this roof top is!  Bamboo poles sticking up.

Bell Tower

Drum Tower
One started the day and the other ended the day, can't remember which one did which.

Another favorite, no not McDonalds, the old mixed in with the new.

I could label this post, "the things I love about Beijing".  Here is another love, doors.

Began scouting for Geocaches which lead to this fun park.  Drake couldn't stop hugging this baby statue.  I guess he loves it here too.

A saxophone practice group warmed themselves up at the end of this little maze.   Even with us stalling we lost patience waiting to hear them actually play something.

Another cache found.  Hint, we are pretty much giving away the location for anyone looking for this cache 😏.

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